The most profitable Business Leader Development and Productivity delivering investment partnership your organisation will gladly budget for, but never have to pay for!
The proof is in the testimonials
Science and Soul of Productivity
The organisation will provide an ample budget for the
Omni*Centric Design [OCD] partnership because that budgets cost will be neutralized by exponentially higher quantified tangible fiscal and operational benefits.
Leadership will obtain superior real time experience in developing two general-fields of investigation; quantitative and qualitative. These sets of tools and techniques, are employed in balance with technical, political and cultural engagement.
Not only the participants, but their project teams, sponsors, suppliers and customers will be engaged and enlightened. [read testimonials]
Establishes a time critical campaign to deliver improvement targets in eight months, with two months tolerance contingency.
No accreditation for participating project managers until all critical milestones are fulfilled with acceptable project outcomes achieved. There is no compromise on these stipulations.
The organisation must adhere to the OCD architecture for optimum continuous improvement benefits.
"Once experienced, you will want to setup an annual graduate development partnership with us."
An internal champion and a portfolio manager will oversee, with our guidance, a 'project identification, prioritization and selection [PIPS] of unsolved opportunities that will be matched to the graduate candidates nominated. They will work with us to provide continuity and expectations internally.
InteGlobal will operate under an agreed fixed budget for training and coaching for the duration of the project investigations and delivery life cycle.
InteGlobal will only claim fees in line with program progress under the pre-approved design architecture.
Provide a robust, track-able program progression that will deliver an array of fiscal and operational benefits to the organisation within the scope of each program of work.
Develop next-generation leadership resources with their knowledge, skills and engagement recorded in an evidence-based portfolio detailing real time productivity benefits. [read testimonials]
We aim to provide the best opportunity for each candidate to attain dual recognition with a I|GSBP graduate certificate accreditation with an accompanying BSB50820 Diploma of Project Management on the national qualifications framework.
*Characterizes the interconnected relationship between; up-skilled people and their connectivity to the critical path whilst embracing real philosophical principles that drive continuous productivity improvement.
*Delivers robust and quantifiable real-time multiple-nodes of organisational benefits in a symbiotic relationship with us that is demonstrably cost neutral time after time.
*What's In It For Me? Does not underestimate the lure of critical incentives of a dual accredited graduate leadership platform to inspire personal award when the omni connection to business benefits is realised.
*Enabled by proprietary intellectual property and right protected inclusions unique to InteGlobal and our partners that have not before been linked outside our delivery partner frameworks.
Address shareholder value proposition to deliver a higher return on the investment as a fundamental priority of the delivery partnership. The program will within itself improve...
[ROI - W.A.C.C. = EP]
The genuine and original curriculum that goes to the foundation of continuous improvement. This is a technically superior design package to any other available. Do not take our word for it -
We will show you.
Designed to be scale-able up to a whole of business transformation model. This is prefaced by our consistently profitable leadership learning and development program.
Pilot one cohort, and take it from there.
Competency is protected and designed to develop leaders in real time by delivering commercial project outcomes. Only InteGlobal can combine the curriculum and assess competency.
Program integrity can not be compromised
InteGlobal invested in creating Australia’s only nationally recognised, ASQA accredited Lean Six Sigma qualifications at a postgraduate level.
Our intelligence goes back to partnering with global mega-corporate roll outs in the naughts, which is the root of our extensive experience in development and research to bring you this unique cost neutral partnership program.
Our parent company Kirtland Leadership inaugurated Lean Six Sigma in Australia/NZ in 2003 in partnership with the George Group, the U.S.A. originators of Lean Six Sigma programs. This covered multi-industry and countless project deliveries as partner consultants and Master Black Belt experts. InteGlobal imparts legitimate, genuine, full version Lean Six Sigma IP curriculum.
InteGlobal Graduate School of Business Productivity is a focused registered training organisation with the academic standing to expand into a global institution that provides world-class expertise in delivering skills and competency to its business productivity partners. With the most experienced training, coaching, consulting and implementation resources to support national and global deployment needs.
I never thought I’d get to the end, and it’s been a long period of time with COVID19 interruptions and the like, which certainly presented a very difficult learning environment compared to face to face.
{L&D was conducted in tandem with face to face and online sessions}
I can safely say, and I safely say better than most, out of the four lots of training I have done since Christmas, that is,
• an external ICAM Incident Investigation Training,
• an internal external program called Activate,
• an internal safety training program called Illuminate,
• and this, {graduate partner development program}
Yours has been the best and most important, the tools you have taught, have helped not just with this project, but with the work I do, and I will also have them for future use.
Thank you,
PD [the graduate candidate] you have absolutely smashed it, fantastic achievement.
Your approach to the whole opportunity and program of work has been first class. The outcomes you have achieved have really complemented and supported tangible business outcomes, whilst providing great personal growth and learning opportunities.
[Same message but to GM of the Partnership Program] - a great example of the chosen Project being highly relevant.
Look forward to recognising the achievements accordingly.
Project delivered Type 2 productivity benefits of $132,000 annualised.
[BTW | MD is also a graduate from an earlier cohort]
While anecdotal evidence from SME’s is useful to provide the initial focus area, it is data that provides the ultimate direction of the project.
It is difficult but essential to ensure project team members and stakeholders don’t deviate from the process and jump to solution mode.
Trust the DMAIC process!
Data collection and integrity is a far more intensive process then expected.
Maintaining stakeholder engagement, is both difficult but essential.
Having conducted the project during a difficult period that involved a large amount of online meetings, the power and effect of face to face has never been more evident.
The one on one coaching sessions provided for significant growth and a much stronger understanding of the subject matter and how to apply it.
Although Lean Six Sigma can initially appear daunting, the real world applicability of the tools means that it will add value to the rest of my career.
The talk back sessions helped overcome reluctance to speak in front of peers in a group setting which is a powerful tool for speeding up the learning process.
By discovering a root cause I was able to refine the overall objective so that it is clear and measurable.
Provision of real analogies made it possible to quickly grasp the concepts.
Project targeted a Type 1 fiscal benefit of $440K, the actual was over $1.25M in fiscal annualized benefits with an additional multi-generational plan to expand to all regional business operations
[BTW| Sponsor was a previously trained graduate from an earlier cohort]
I was skeptical that the DMAIC approach could be of value for this particular project as we assumed we already knew what the issue was. As the project gained momentum however, discoveries that we did not realise became apparent and the DMAIC methodology certainly assisted us in evaluating hidden detail and its solutions.
Seeing our theories supported statistically gives me confidence for future projects
People actively engage when involved. It is critical to success to ensure the front line feel they have an input into the solutions.
Initial resistance from individuals seems to dissipate in a team environment. Peer pressure can be a useful tool with front line where the detractors quickly feel isolated if they continue with negativity.
You need to delegate and trust the team to deliver as time restrictions prevent perfection.
The extended Team was very keen on learning more about LSS and engaging the processes. By way of selection processes for future programs – Current LSS Black Belts should be asked to nominate some of the future candidates who were involved in their journey.
Team is engaged and eager to implement – sometimes before the full picture is presented. Old habits can be difficult to curb early in the process – encouragingly, post project, individuals have demonstrated more strategic and planned approaches to other changes within the business.
This project delivered: (single year annualised, ignoring YoY)
Type 1 customer retention of $3.12M
Type 1 revenue growth of $1.56M
Type 2 cost avoidance of $260,000
This one project of 23 cohort candidate projects returned $4.9M equal to 19 to 1 returns from the InteGlobal Delivery Partnership cost neutral promise.
InteGlobal | GSBP
Master Consultant
"The importance of ensuring a targeted scope of work to ensure clarity of direction and progress thereafter."
"Data analysis tools are not one size fits all – its important to understand the method and system for measurement before utilising analytics lest you waste time repeating measurements based on false outcomes and may draw to invalid conclusions."
"The power of clear instructions and communication to team members."
"The team effort was tremendous, having the right people, in the right place made this project a success and the same type of structure would be embedded for future projects i.e., <use> Subject Matter Experts."
This project delivered over $700,000 in type 1 and Type 2 tangible fiscal benefits and a host of safety and operational Time Trap eliminating improvements that were not easily quantified. This one project alone returned more than double the InteGlobal Delivery Partnership fees for the entire cohort of 21 candidate projects.
InteGlobal | GSBP
Master Consultant
Thank you for your assistance throughout this project and hope to see you soon.
Reduction in under utilization of capital facility equipment from one-site [the scope of the project] returned $224,370 per annum in direct savings.
This is one project [of twenty] in the program portfolio that covered the InteGlobal Delivery Partnerships fees for the entire cohort portfolio. This alone achieved the targeted cost neutral program promise.
InteGlobal | GSBP
Master Consultant
It’s been a great effort by RH and his team to improve and the data speaks for itself with the result well above the original target and being maintained, RH has worked extremely hard through the project and it’s really pleasing to see the reward for effort and how the methodology followed has delivered the improvement.
[BTW | SP is also a graduate from an earlier cohort]
Being involved in such a complex project has been eye opening.
The structure of the project seemed daunting at the start, but seeing our thought process enhanced and validated. The end result proves that the systematic approach certainly works.
"I had preconceived ideas on what needed to be done, when we actually worked through the process not all of my assumptions were true." [SME]
"I was skeptical at first but the SIPOC exercise genuinely created some options that I had not considered and gave us some leads to improve I had not considered." [SME]
“I’ve enjoyed being part of it and contributing ideas, I didn’t think we could get above 80% so it’s good to be well above 80, now I want to try and get higher than [another site].” Machine Specialist
"Great to be involved and have some input. The results should make our jobs easier and safer as we won't have such a congested work area." Work Area Employee
Continue to design change with those most impacted by the changes and listen to those with expert knowledge from the front-line.
It doesn’t matter how much time you allocate personally to a DMAIC project, the need for a wider team and collaboration is paramount and the more sets of eyes and ears the better!
By introducing improvement to <solutions> S1, S4, and S6 we have seen an ability to absorb volume without significant cost increase.
Our service level in this area has improved but also the overtime previously incurred for <product> inquiries reduced due to improved processes.
Team Manager
"Get on the floor! Physically positioning at each drop point [redacted location] to drown yourself in the process was needed and the project success heavily relied on this.
Having a deeper knowledge of the actual process (rather than just the defined or assumed process) meant that when we challenged each other as a team or came up with solutions, we were able to say whether it would work or not."
"Per #4, the diversity of the team meant the team came up with creative ideas, particularly during roadblocks or where the data warranted further investigation. One example of this was the articles that the Data Science team demonstrated had not received a delivered event, operations suggested reviewing Inventory Management receipts. Retail provided this information which captured a process issue of not scanning, rather than loss."
What worked well?
Kaizen – Quick wins
LWG [Local Working Group] staff engagement - staff owning the solution
Facts based investigation
Local project leads to drive improvements
What could have been done differently?
Establish local project team and LWG earlier in the process
Narrow the scope of the project to ensure clear direction and goals are achieved
Set time aside to focus on the paperwork
Look ahead so you know what is required across all phases
Ensure you have an agenda and note actions for every meeting
Set clear roles & responsibilities at the start and delegate
Hold people accountable if they don’t attend – don’t let it slide
Keep your key stakeholders engaged throughout
Don’t get lost in the data... Sometimes there is no golden nugget
The importance of VOC [voice of the customer] for buy-in and relevance
Spend time getting to know your customers
Ensure you start and finish with the customer
I’ve learned quite a number of lessons from this project, not the least of which is trust and follow the Lean Six Sigma Process. In hindsight if I’d done this from the outset it would have eliminated a lot of my issues and stagnation experienced earlier, nevertheless it was a good lesson and one I won’t be forgetting
The importance of ensuring a targeted scope of work to ensure clarity of direction and progress thereafter
Data analysis tools are not one size fits all – its important to understand the method and system for
measurement before utilising analytics lest you waste time repeating measurements based on false ‘analytical outcomes’ and/or draw invalid conclusions.
The power of clear instructions and communication to team members
Setting realistic timelines for deliverables – not what you wish to happen, but what you know is safely possible.
The project created a great forum to identify and share the challenges experienced by the team. Through the
project the ideas presented were analysed and trialed which helped with engagement from those participating. Overall, it was a great project and was facilitated and managed well. There were several outcomes in the project such as {redacted} changes and the installation of {redacted} that were great wins.
My key learning from the Lean Six Sigma methodology includes the importance of a clear and concise data
collection plan when going through the Measure phase.
In such a large company like {redacted}, there is also a high prevalence of legacy processes that rarely get challenged as to their currency and validity in the current environment. Identifying these via process flow charting and value stream
mapping is of utmost importance when identifying waste (TIMWOOD).
Engagement is also critical to achieving improvements – not just with your project team, but also, your key stakeholders from shop floor to
Leadership team.
Speak with your sponsor to ensure that you have adequate time allocated through the working week to dedicate to your project
Assumptions are dangerous and decisions should never be made without an investigation and data to support the reason for change
The best ideas come from a team-based environment
Apply Kaizen, Jidoka and Heijunka in all operations to drive improvement
Data is king… do not assume anything. Keep asking questions. And when you have the answer, ask more questions!
Mandatory to use a fact base to identify problems & to test/prove solutions. Too many times we ‘listen’ to others facts but do not have right data to support this. You must also observe the process to confirm the facts & speak to the people who are ‘doing’ the process.
Don’t try and solve world hunger. Work within the time/budget constraints of your project & let your project team guide you on the biggest issues.
Involve as many people as practical in every stage (e.g. design, testing and reviewing) to ensure best solutions are found & they are sustainable.
Action items documented have a greater chance of being completed. Some items discussed in meetings were never completed as they weren’t documented.
Ask for help! And keep asking for help! Delegate.
Share learning's with others so that they can build upon your investigation findings.
Ask for help with data analysis – this is a skill that needs much practice.
Do not assume others have the skills/knowledge you think they have. Coaching people with new skills/knowledge is a great motivator.
Ensure all data capture methods are tested prior to rolling out to broader group. Take more time than you think you need for testing this & ensure clear instructions & support is in place.
Check-in with other LSS cohort members for support & connect regularly with your LSS BB coach and trainer, as their advice is invaluable.
Celebrate small/big achievements along the way. Personally thank individuals.
Have regular meetings and stick to them. Weekly/fortnightly meetings are best.
Keep smiling and having fun: making local improvements is something everyone wants to be involved in if they are empowered & listened to & respected as experts.
When dealing with a new business (unfamiliar) take some time to understand the dynamics and limitations of the business before committing to a goal. Rushing into this step will place unnecessary pressure on the expectation and can derail the project.
When commencing a project like this in a new area, set aside the time commitment to becoming ‘part of the furniture’ and ensure you invest in that as the continuation of the project and delivery are linked to it.
Perform a ‘gemba’ early | Performing this activity earlier in the project life-cycle would have been extremely beneficial to the project team.
Develop a realistic project schedule | Without a realistic schedule the plan becomes meaningless and of no value.
Delegate more | Should have done this a lot earlier as there were a number of people willing to help – I just needed to engage and agree roles, etc.
PD you have absolutely smashed it, fantastic achievement.
Your approach to the whole opportunity and program of work has been first class. The outcomes you have achieved have really complemented and supported tangible business outcomes, whilst providing great personal growth and learning opportunities.
[To GM of the Partnership Program] - a great example of the chosen Project being highly relevant.
Look forward to recognising the achievements accordingly.
I have already improved as a result of this, primarily around cadence, documentation and time prioritization which has been especially important in seasonally busy periods.
It’s important that all parts of a process are adhered to in order to understand a problem in it’s entirety.
Cross-collaboration and buy-in between impacted teams whom have an interest in solving for the same issue, is beneficial to all aspects of the project.
Don’t jump to conclusions. Follow the process!
Utilise the tools (where appropriate)
Benchmarking can be a valuable Analysis phase tool
Take lots of measurements
Go and see!!!!!
Continue to design change with those most impacted by the change.
Always have a clear pilot plan and communications strategy prior to piloting change.
Always capture feedback from workers whilst piloting potential solutions, especially when the change in unpopular.
Leveraging digital IT technology solutions to manage complex project activities across dispersed team members was largely successful in providing the required transparency and could be further developed to manage the cross project dependencies generated by the Black Belt project and implementation of multi generational activities.
Complexity in obtaining correct data was one reason that existing reporting was not fit for purpose. Allowance for obtaining data from multiple systems needs to be included
It is important to manage scope creep and the expectations of stakeholders. The team need to focus on what can be resolved within the project and create a backlog of issues to be addressed in the future.
Whilst it is time consuming, the benefits of the information uncovered during the Analyse Phase outweighed the cost in time spent. This allowed the team to better understand and focus on causes of problems, rather than symptoms.
This project cost $20,651 in installing improvements.
The project returned a Type 2 annual cost avoidance of $643,683 and additionally achieved Type 4 Customer service improvements.
This one project alone returned almost triple the InteGlobal Delivery Partnership fees for the entire cohort of 23 candidate projects. The next cohort portfolio, and then some, was fully funded at a cost neutral promise.
InteGlobal | GSBP
Master Consultant
Don’t always trust the first bit of data you see.
Gather evidence first before assuming.
Small improvement opportunity focus is key through a complex process.
Provide key stakeholders with measure phase outcomes sooner to drive consistency in what the data is showing us.
Schedule regular team meetings to stay focused on team progression for projects.
Early engagement of site teams meant support was readily available for all activities.
Supervisors were very appreciative of different views on data and the impacts they were having.
Focusing on the problem statement meant work was always addressing the core issue rather than 'pet' projects.
Having data to support views removed some of the opinions and noise.
Comparing performance and safety together gave confidence to team that they were not mutually exclusive
Project benefits included 48% reduction in injuries compared to pre-basic black belt project improvements. Additionally, body stress injuries reduced by 43%. Consequentially, implementation timelines improved critical path throughput by 6% (but was not fiscally quantified). Type 2 cost avoidance of $74,400 annualised in compensation claims.
The project charter is a critical piece of scope and expectations management and I should have spent more time on this and the engagement.
Both project focus and team selection are critical. Ideally, team selection will involve key people involved in the process to be improved and clear expectations of time commitments and confirmation of commitment is needed.
Spend more time in the early phases and do some preliminary analysis where possible before getting into the Measurement phase. But be careful about closing your mind to true causes.
"The project has delivered a positive result in terms of improvements to the “Customer Experience” difot and the financial benefits supported by the focused streaming activity to... [redacted]. A worthwhile process." Sponsor.
"Best approach I have used to date when tackling a problem, the process supported staff engagement, allowing the team to problem ideas and solutions but in a framework that kept everything aligned and on track … will certainly adopt this approach moving forward. " Graduate Candidate
"Great way to manage a project and ensure everyone is working together in order to deliver the core objectives of the project." Fleet Operations
"Great collaboration and teamwork, allowing the end-user to have a voice really does get them involved. " Facility Manager
"Great to see the data supplied being used to drive an improvement for our customers and also from a financial perspective." Commercial Services
"Improving the customer experience through a process that clearly outlines the requirements and then bringing this together as a team is fantastic … we should use this more often." Customer Service
"The end customer is often the one that feels the service failure, having a detailed plan to improve that experience with a sustainable outcome is always going to be a plus." A Project Customer
As we progressed into the project the data started to uncover areas of opportunity, the team were excited to quickly go into solution/improve phase, but we stuck to the task and identified some quick wins and developed some prototypes to test our theories. The team have been engaged throughout the project and remained committed.
Gain buy in from those impacted by change at an early stage. Ensure everyone has clear and precise communication. Ensure the team know their role and own the change.
The team are the backbone to a successful project and investigations. Collaboration is paramount and the more everyone plays their role the more successful the outcome will be
Project benefits were calculated and accepted with a combination of Type 1 & 2 increase in throughput productivity at $3.3M annualised.
Sometimes its important for the managers and process leaders to understand the complexity of the process.
Learnt an alternative method to perform a pilot experiment (boardroom pilot).
Importance of collaboration and alignment between different business units.
Congratulations {graduate}, this is a great outcome and I have been really impressed with the collaboration you have led to provide the clarity on the best course of action for this problem, whilst delivering some quick wins in the process.
Thanks to DS and C also, as I know you have been a great support for {graduate} throughout her LSS journey
Project delivered Type 2 cost of poor quality benefits of $352,420 annualised.
[BTW | CG is also a graduate from an earlier cohort]
In a general context, I have found the LSS tools and frameworks extremely helpful in structuring work over the past year. I have used the Define – Project Charter document several times to focus and refine work. The thinking around being an "Investigator" first has helped to become unattached to different solutions and assumptions. Often times, this has led to new discoveries.
Develop and test key customer requirements, ensuring they are aligned with Sponsor objectives
Schedule regular meetings. Consider re-scheduling if the number of attendees is low. Where Team Member attendance is adhoc, speak with them separately and determine what their on-going involvement should be.
Ensure the objectives of the Project Charter are front of mind. During improve, by using the Key Customer Requirements we were able to bring the project back on track. Using the process and tools assists with staying on-track.
Review data regardless of the source; don’t assume data extracted from systems is accurate; a quality check should be completed to identify any anomalies
Whilst no reduction in operating cost, the financial benefit equivalent represents resources being available to focus on other functions / tasks. Projects Cost of Poor Quality gain; Type 2 ongoing annualized estimated at $144,000.
This stuff is addictive for my engineering team, particularly the analyzing and doing, not the documenting via the gateway packs! :D
I have up to date numbers for Feb and March and they show sustainability.
Timeline for pilot was compressed making assessments of data difficult with reduced data points (separating noise from trends)
Aligning of data and standardising data prior to collection would have saved considerable time and analysis.
Utilising fixed forums proved to be more effective than dedicated adhoc workshops for regular feedback.
Early planning with site resources was necessary to get access to enough supervisors/champions to make a difference
Timeline for pilot was compressed making assessments of data difficult with reduced data points (separating noise from trends)
Aligning of data and standardising data prior to collection would have saved considerable time and analysis.
Utilising fixed forums proved to be more effective than dedicated adhoc workshops for regular feedback.
Early planning with site resources was necessary to get access to enough supervisors/champions to make a difference
Sometimes solving one problem has a positive affect in other locations
Line up resources to contact right from the Define phase
Better communication regarding the reasons for trialing
Have team agree on a suitable time /day for a regular catch up
Thank you for all your support on the journey. It has been incredibly insightful and valuable, and I already find myself using many of the tools as BAU.
Communication and training is key. Effective communication increased engagement.
Drives results.
Delegate responsibility, empowerment. Setup team members, including {redacted} for success.
Success is contagious.
Allow subject matter experts to operate. Interference reduces engagement. Permeates new ideas that lead to better solutions.
Obtain buy-in from “operators,” team members. Results are expedited. It just makes the process easier to operate within, addresses risk related to cultural buy-in.
Embedding benchmark expectations also increases engagement. Paramount to success.
Project yielded a type 2 annualised cost avoidance of $510,000 on a single line. Consequently, a second line that was out of scope for the project rapidly received the same upgrade to double benefits.
This one project met the cost neutral promise twice over (four times if your include the generational benefit).
InteGlobal | GSBP
Master Consultant
I believe that the project was a great learning experience, in finding ways in which we could improve the current processes. I personally enjoyed the post-it note activities. It really helped in getting our minds active, participating and being part of the project.
Overall, I believe that the project has improved our interactions and communication across those who contribute to the floor processing. Now that there has been some significant changes in helping staff identify {redacted} should hopefully be reaching customers sooner, rather than later.”
Core Team Member
Project delivered type 2 saving of $246,881 in annualised savings derived from actual operational improvement realised during projects incremental pilot adjustments of $61,720 that was then installed permanently.
Completing the program I found that the DMAIC process and associated tools helped in identifying improvement opportunities for the organisation.
Having participated in the LSS project where the results financially were very noticeable in one particular facility, I believe that rolling this project out to other facilities nationally in the organisation would be extremely beneficial.
I really enjoyed the course, I believe the facilitators both did an incredible job to keep the course engaging especially with the amount of remote training required during COVID. As the saying goes "you only get out what you put in", the facilitators certainly put in there side which made it easier to get on board to learn from the knowledge they were sharing.
I would like to see more black belt cohorts and/or smaller green belt courses run.
I really enjoyed this program and thought the skills that it taught were extremely useful to an organisation like {redacted}.
One challenge I saw was around continuity of programs of work. I think this is a huge area of opportunity for the future.
I think the level of statistics and the complexity it brings to the program is more than what we need at {redacted} with our current level of maturity. The key benefits were understanding and dimensioning the problem to be solved and using data to determine if solutions have been effective were very beneficial. I would like to see a bit more on building creativity into the problem solving process when simple, clear measurements aren't always present (breaking highly complex systems like our facilities into simpler measurable components).
I think the program is more then worthwhile, the tools and the way it generates thinking and thought process add value.
I was happy with the remote WebEx learning despite the default being face to face learning. Would there be scope to shift some of the modules to remote format in future to reduce cost?
Learning via video conference was not ideal for this subject. When we had the face to face training in Sydney, I took more in.
Teach backs were really valuable.
Doing this course in parallel with your normal job is difficult. Managing a project that may not be in your immediate area takes time and focus away from your normal role and sometimes things will suffer for that.
The more leaders who can train to investigate via the DMAIC frame work, the better the business will be for it. If i had to do it over, I would download all the gate packs to understand exactly what is next. Great course.
The support and guidance along the way, allowed for better understanding and personal development, the program was fantastic, even with the challenges around COVID, etc.
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